CSA Invisible Grille is the trusted brand for invisible grille
TS Chung @8588 9339
CSA Invisible Grille is the trusted brand for invisible grille
CSA Invisible Grilles are made up of 316 stainless steels invisible grille able divided into few type of installation methods, which are frame fixed invisible grill, fixed panel, casement (openable), sliding invisible grille. Our company can be customised your invisible grill that according to your need and requirements, for example, the cable direction can be chosen horizontal or vertical view and gap space can be chosen inches from 2 inches to 4 inches upon the subject to management approval.
Fixed panel invisible Grille will drille on the concrete wall and it is the most straight forward installation method so we will advise customer install at balcony and bedrooms.
For units without concrete wall, we will suggest customers installed frame fixed invisible grille.
Casement invisible grille can be installed at air cond yard, kitchen.